The Best High-Protein Foods For Weight Loss

No matter what kinds of health and fitness goals you’re working towards, you’ve probably heard the same macronutrient being recommended again and again. Protein!  Protein is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle of our dietary...

5 Tips for Muscle Soreness & Recovery

You wake up in the morning, ready to start the day, when suddenly you get hit by a wave of muscle pain. You walk around, wondering why, when suddenly you remember your workout the day before. You’re experiencing...

3 Benefits of Adding HMB to your Fitness Routine

Having a healthy body starts with having healthy muscles. By adding 2-3 grams of HMB to your daily practice, it has been scientifically proven to help support body composition, muscle performance, and decrease muscle soreness.

GRAZIA: Cocktail Attire, Dry January is Getting a Mocktail Makeover

By Karli Poliziani GRAZIA posted an article discussing "Dry January" and listing off their top mocktail recipes. Among the favorites was the "Cranberry Citrus Cooler" featuring Nirvana Super™ Pineapple Orange Seltzer. Cranberry Citrus Cooler Ingredients: 1/2 Nirvana Super™ Seltzer, Pineapple...

Dry January Drinking Options

If you've decided to embark on the journey of a dry January, congratulations on taking a step towards a healthier, more mindful lifestyle! Whether you're giving your body a break from alcohol or simply looking for alternatives that...